Enlightened Beauty Takes on Tedx
This July, the Enlightened Beauty team attended TedxFargo at the Civic. We heard from subject matter experts from all varieties of life. This year's focus was definitely a combination of AI and connection/emotional connection subjects. We laughed, we cried, and we stayed open to new ideas as each speaker got up on the infamous big red dot to talk to us about their passions. My biggest takeaway was the lack of human connection and emotional intelligence happening in today's world. We are surrounded by smartphones and social media platforms and we are distracted so much of our days. The various speakers talked about reaching out to friends and daily first - right when you think of them. We all tend to believe that one text or reaching out to one person won’t make a significant difference, so we don’t do it. If we are all thinking this way by default, of course it’s causing social disconnection. I’ve made it a mission to text or call the people I think about each day after this realization and I’m going to stay committed as much as possible. Even if it’s just a “Hey, I’m thinking about you” or a “How are you doing?”, it’s the effort that counts and is noticed. In a world of doom scrolling and social comparison, getting an organic message from a friend is nice.
One Year with Emmy
On July 18th, we celebrated our Emmy’s one-year anniversary with Enlightened Beauty! Since her first day with us, she has grown TREMENDOUSLY! She is now taking haircut guests on her own and working towards colors and nail service certifications. We are so proud and grateful to have Emmy on our team, and we can’t wait to see her blossom even more into the professional cosmetologist she is! If you haven’t been in to visit Emmy yet, do it! She’s fun to hang out with and will tell you all about our amazing products to keep your hair and nails looking and feeling amazing at home too!
Pride in the Park
This year we are a part of the FM Pride events again! We love this time of year and the connections we make and strengthen through all of the FM Pride Week’s events. We have a booth at Pride in the Park at BlueStem and we will be in the Pride Parade as well. We hope we see/saw you at the events! During Pride in the Park, just like we do in the salon and spa when you visit, we are collecting donations for Project R.A.I. Project RAI stands for “Project Rainbows are Inclusive”. Project RAI’s mission is to provide a safe environment for LGBTQ+ children and their supportive adults with inclusive, supportive, and developmentally appropriate programming. Having this accepting and inclusive programming in our area helps so much with mental health within our LGBTQ+ community and their efforts don’t go unnoticed. We are proud to collect donations for Project RAI! To view their full mission statement and to donate to their cause, please visit them at http://pcccpride.square.site/product/project-rai-donation/65?cp=tr